# Quick Start

The quickest way to get started with intelligo is to utilize the intelligo-generator to generate an bot as shown below:

Install the command line tool

$ npm install intelligo-cli -g

# Configuration

Generate the your messenger bot project:

Set the values in config/default.json before running the bot. Using your Facebook Page's / App's ACCESS_TOKEN, VERIFY_TOKEN and APP_SECRET

  • ACCESS_TOKEN: A page access token for your app, found under App -> Products -> Messenger -> Settings -> Token Generation
  • VERIFY_TOKEN: A token that verifies your webhook is being called. Can be any value, but needs to match the value in App -> Products -> Webhooks -> Edit Subscription
  • APP_SECRET: A app secret for your app, found under App -> Settings -> Basic -> App Secret -> Show

Note: If you don't know how to get these tokens, take a look at Facebook's Quick Start Guide .

# Install dependencies:

$ npm install

# Run your bot

Start your bot app:

$ npm start

# Intelligo

params key Type Default Required
webhook string "/webhook" N
graphApiVersion string 4.0 N

Creates a new Intelligo.MessengerBot instance. Instantiates the new express app and all required webhooks. params param must contain all tokens and app secret of your Facebook app.

If you want to specify a custom endpoint name for your webhook, you can do it with the webhook option.

# Receive API

Use these methods to subscribe your bot to messages, attachments or anything the user might send.

# .on(event, callback)

Param Type Default Required
event string Y
callback function Y

Subscribe to an event emitted by the bot, and execute a callback when those events are emitted. Available events are:

Event Description
message The bot received a text message from the user
quick_reply The bot received a quick reply from the user (quick replies emit both message and quick_reply events)
attachment The bot received an attachment from the user
postback The bot received a postback call from the user (usually means the user clicked a button)
delivery The bot received a confirmation that your message was delivered to the user
read The bot received a confirmation that your message was read by the user
authentication A user has started a conversation with the bot using a "Send to Messenger" button
referral A user that already has a thread with the bot starts a conversation. more

# .on() examples:

bot.on("message", event => {
	console.log('A text message was received!');

bot.on('attachment', event => {
	console.log('An attachment was received!');

# Send API

Intelligo provides helper methods for every type of message supported by Facebook's Messenger API. It also provides a generic sendTextMessage method that you can use to send a custom payload. All messages from the Send API return a Promise that you can use to apply actions after a message was successfully sent. You can use this to send consecutive messages and ensure that they're sent in the right order.


bot.on("message", event => {
  const senderID = event.sender.id,
    message = event.message;
  bot.sendTextMessage(senderID, 'Hello World');

# Sending text

# sendTextMessage(userId, message [, options])

Send messages to specified user using the Send API.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
message Object message object.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types or tags.


bot.sendTextMessage(USER_ID, {
  text: 'Hello World!',

You can specifiy messaging type using options. If messaging_type and tag is not provided, UPDATE will be used as default messaging type.


    text: 'Hello!',
    messaging_type: 'RESPONSE',

# Sending Attachments

# sendAttachment(userId, attachment [, options])

Send attachment messages to specified user using the Send API.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
attachment Object attachment object.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types or tags.
options.filename Required when upload from buffer.


bot.sendAttachment(USER_ID, {
  type: 'image',
  payload: {
    url: 'https://example.com/pic.png',

# Sending Audio

# sendAudioMessage(userId, audio [, options])

Send sounds to specified user by uploading them or sharing a URL using the Send API.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
audio String | Buffer | ReadStream | AttachmentPayload The audio to be sent.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types.
options.filename Required when upload from buffer.


  • Send audio using url string:
bot.sendAudioMessage(USER_ID, 'https://intelligo.js.org/audio.mp3');
  • Use AttachmentPayload to send cached attachment:
bot.sendAudioMessage(USER_ID, { attachment_id: '55688' });
  • Use ReadStream created from local file:
const fs = require('fs');

bot.sendAudioMessage(USER_ID, fs.createReadStream('audio.mp3'));
  • Use Buffer to send attachment:
bot.sendAudioMessage(USER_ID, buffer, { filename: 'audio.mp3' });

# Sending Image

# sendImageMessage(userId, image [, options])

Send images to specified user by uploading them or sharing a URL using the Send API. Supported formats are jpg, png and gif.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
image String | Buffer | ReadStream | AttachmentPayload The image to be sent.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types.
options.filename Required when upload from buffer.


  • Send image using url string:
bot.sendImageMessage(USER_ID, 'https://intelligo.js.org/logo.jpg');
  • Use AttachmentPayload to send cached attachment:
bot.sendImageMessage(USER_ID, { attachment_id: '55688' });
  • Use ReadStream created from local file:
const fs = require('fs');

bot.sendImageMessage(USER_ID, fs.createReadStream('image.jpg'));
  • Use Buffer to send attachment:
bot.sendImageMessage(USER_ID, buffer, { filename: 'image.jpg' });

# Sending Video

# sendVideo(userId, video [, options])

Send videos to specified user by uploading them or sharing a URL using the Send API.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
video String | Buffer | ReadStream | AttachmentPayload The video to be sent.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types.
options.filename Required when upload from buffer.


  • Send video using url string:
bot.sendVideoMessage(USER_ID, 'https://intelligo.js.org/video.mp4');
  • Use AttachmentPayload to send cached attachment:
bot.sendVideoMessage(USER_ID, { attachment_id: '55688' });
  • Use ReadStream created from local file:
const fs = require('fs');

bot.sendVideoMessage(USER_ID, fs.createReadStream('video.mp4'));
  • Use Buffer to send attachment:
bot.sendVideoMessage(USER_ID, buffer, { filename: 'video.mp4' });

# Sending File

# sendFileMessage(userId, file [, options])

Send files to specified user by uploading them or sharing a URL using the Send API.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
file String | Buffer | ReadStream | AttachmentPayload The file to be sent.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types.
options.filename Required when upload from buffer.


  • Send file using url string:
bot.sendFileMessage(USER_ID, 'https://intelligo.js.org/document.pdf');
  • Use AttachmentPayload to send cached attachment:
bot.sendFileMessage(USER_ID, { attachment_id: '55688' });
  • Use ReadStream created from local file:
const fs = require('fs');

bot.sendFileMessage(USER_ID, fs.createReadStream('document.pdf'));
  • Use Buffer to send attachment:
bot.sendFileMessage(USER_ID, buffer, { filename: 'file.pdf' });

# Message Templates

# Sending a Message Template

sendTemplate(userId, template [, options])

Send structured message templates to specified user using the Send API.

Param Type Description
userId String | Object Page-scoped user ID of the recipient or [recipient][send-api-reference#recipient] object.
template Object Object of the template.
options Object Other optional parameters. For example, messaging types or tags.


bot.sendTemplate(USER_ID, {
  template_type: 'button',
  text: 'title',
  buttons: [
      type: 'postback',
      title: 'Start Chatting',
      payload: 'USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD',

# Messenger Profile API

# Greeting Text

# .addGreeting(text)

Facebook Docs

Param Type Default Required
text string or array Y

Set a greeting text for new conversations. The Greeting Text is only rendered the first time the user interacts with a the Page on Messenger.

Localization support: text can be a string containing the greeting text, or an array of objects to support multiple locales. For more info on the format of these objects, see the documentation.


  "cryptocurrency trading bot."

# Get Started Button

# .addGetStartedButton(action)

Facebook Docs

Param Type Default Required
action string or function Y

React to a user starting a conversation with the bot by clicking the Get Started button. If action is a string, the Get Started button postback will be set to that string. If it's a function, that callback will be executed when a user clicks the Get Started button.

# .deleteGetStartedButton()

Removes the Get Started button call to action.

# The Persistent Menu

# .setPersistentMenu(buttons, [ disableInput ])

Facebook Docs

Param Type Default Required
buttons array of strings or objects Y
disableInput boolean false N

Creates a Persistent Menu that is available at any time during the conversation. The buttons param can be an array of strings, button objects, or locale objects.

If disableInput is set to true, it will disable user input in the menu. The user will only be able to interact with the bot via the menu, postbacks, buttons and webviews.

Localization support: if buttons is an array of objects containing a locale attribute, it will be used as-is, expecting it to be an array of localized menues. For more info on the format of these objects, see the documentation.


    locale: "default",
    composer_input_disabled: false,
    call_to_actions: [
        title: "Home",
        type: "postback",
        payload: "HOME"
        title: "About",
        type: "nested",
        call_to_actions: [
            type: "web_url",
            title: "Crypto Bot",
            url: "https://www.intelligo.systems",
            webview_height_ratio: "full"
        title: "Contact Info",
        type: "postback",
        payload: "CONTACT"

# .removePersistentMenu()

Removes the Persistent Menu.